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Microplastics Community Science and Education Toolkits

Resources, tools and technology to tackle microplastic pollution in your community.

Our tools. YOUR power to make a difference. Together, WE create change.

Community ScienceGladstone 7

Anyone can become a community scientist. 

Microplastics have been found in all of Earth’s environments. While cleaning up plastic pollution is important, we must prevent it from entering the environment in the first place. To stop microplastic pollution at the source, decision-makers need lots of scientific data.

Community or citizen scientists are community members, elementary, secondary and post-secondary students, families and ocean enthusiasts who help fill microplastic data gaps. Using the Microplastics Community Science and Education Toolkit YOU can help identify local microplastic sources and solutions and join the movement of global scientists working together to beat plastic pollution.

What's Included in the Kit

Suggested lesson plans (for teachers or parents)
Illustrated learning guides about microplastics

Sandy beach sampling protocol (for community sampling)

Mock sampling activity (for the home or classroom)

Saturna Product Manual

Microplastics categorization guides and data analysis instructions
Advocacy and engagement tools

Step-by-step instructions and training videos

The Saturna Imaging System

Saturna is a machine learning-based tool that rapidly analyzes microplastic data. Saturna provides 13 different size, shape and colour datasets for every microplastic particle imaged to help identify microplastic sources and solutions. Check out how it works!

How The Toolkit Works

Microplastics Community Science Toolkit 1

1. Learn

Use the illustrated PDF learning guide to understand what microplastics are, where they come from, their different types and environmental impacts. 

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2. Survey

Follow the sandy beach sampling protocol to survey microplastics in your community, or conduct a mock sampling activity in your home or classroom.

Community ScienceGladstone 16

3. Analyze

Upload and analyze the microplastics data using the Saturna Imaging System, then use the data evaluation instructions to identify local sources and solutions.

Microplastics Community Science Toolkit 6

4. Engage

Put your data into action by applying the advocacy and engagement activities to your findings. Engage your community and decision-makers in solutions.

Microplastics Community Science Toolkit 4

5. Monitor

Use the kit as often as you'd like to conduct ongoing or seasonal monitoring on your local beaches. In schools, use the Kit year-after-year and share among classrooms.


  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)
  • Science
  • Environmental science
  • Sustainability
  • Ocean literacy


  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Planning
  • Data computation 


Read stories from the field!


What are the requirements?

The Saturna Imaging System connects only with a Windows PC or Chrome Book. The hardware is not compatible with Apple products.

You will also be required to source some materials for the sampling activity, like buckets, sieves, rope and spoons.

How many people can use the Kit?

Up to 25 people can work together on the same project, but we recommend breaking into smaller groups of 3-4 people per microplastics sampling activity and analysis station. Additional Saturnas can be purchased if you would like more people to analyze data at the same time.

How is the data used?
The included sandy beach sampling protocol will help you to collect reliable data from your community. The analysis tools will help you identify microplastic sources and solutions and engage with local decision-makers. You can also connect with regional or other environmental organizations to include your data in existing plastic pollution campaigns or create your own awareness campaign. 
Do I have to use the Saturna Imaging System?

If you cannot access a Windows PC or Chrome Book, you can purchase the Digital-Only Toolkit. This kit includes all of the other Toolkit items, except you will use existing classroom or household materials, such as rulers and callipers, along with included Excel templates, to upload and analyze the data by hand, instead of using Saturna. 

Are there any consumables?
Neither Toolkit (with or without Saturna) has consumables and both can be used for many years.
What if I don't have access to a sandy beach?

The sandy beach sampling protocol was developed and validated by scientists to ensure the data is as standardized and reliable as possible. If you don't have access to a sandy beach, you can still use Saturna to analyze microplastics you find on rocky beaches, freshwater shorelines or other environments. You can also follow the in-classroom sampling activity to provide an educational-only experience for students in a home or classroom.

Where do you ship?

We ship the Toolkits around the world! Shipping costs will automatically calculate at check-out. Contact us if your location is not available in the shipping section of the check-out so we can help you.


"The ability to take a group out to one of our local beaches and work the entire protocol unassisted was a game changer. Data on paper is just data to most people, but when you can go out and actually be a part of the data collection process this connects them to what the numbers really mean."

Syke Whitney
Youth Programs Coordinator | Oregon Coast Aquarium

“Participating in microplastic sampling and data collection is one way I feel that I can impact policy change. Involving others with the sampling helped to open their eyes to seemingly small observations that they will be attuned to whenever they visit a beach or shoreline. This heightened awareness can inspire a whole gamut of future action, research, support and knowledge for the protection of our collective waterbodies.” 

Abby McLennan
Co-Founder | Let's Talk Trash

"Collecting data that can be used for advancing environmental policy is an exciting way to do real science, and make everyone feel a part of it."

Liam Pope-Lau
Student | St Michael's High School

"I enjoyed being able to get involved within my community and gain a deeper understanding of what’s happening to local beaches."

Taya Holmes
High School Student

“The students were actively engaged and loved working as real scientists. They were able to examine a nearby lake and think about the changes and impact that their actions have on the local environment. They were very excited to have the chance to use real tools and to see how to share and document their findings with the wider research community.”

Teacher | Norquay Elementary School

“I learned more about where microplastics come from. With the data, we can better understand these problems and the effects they have. We can better manage these problems once we know more about them.” 

High School Student
Gladstone Secondary School

Empower your community or school to make a real impact.

Check out these sample PDF resources:

Sample from the illustrated Microplastics Learning Guide
Sample_In classroom Sampling
sample in field protocols.pdf

Join the global movement of community scientists driving meaningful change to protect the planet from microplastic pollution.

Microplastics Community Science and Education Toolkit image

Microplastics Community Science and Education Toolkit


Empower community scientists, schools and environmental enthusiasts with the resources, tools and technology to contribute real microplastic data and create real change. Use step-by-step guides and training videos to learn about microplastic pollution, conduct microplastic surveys on your local sandy beach, upload and interpret the data using the first-of-its-kind Saturna Imaging System, and engage the larger community in results and solutions.

Microplastics Digital Education Guidebook image

Microplastics Digital Education Guidebook


Provide the next generation of environmental stewards with hands-on and real-world STEM and environmental science learning. Access the resources, tools and instructions to run a mock microplastics project in your community, home or classroom. Complete a mock microplastics survey, measure microplastics using rulers or callipers and the provided instructions, then upload and analyze your data using the Excel template. This Kit does NOT include the Saturna Imaging System.

Still have questions?